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Mine had already been tacoed by the PO hitting parking blocks or curbs.
The blue one? The racecar, that was a racecar?
Anywho, sort of short story. When I worked at this really (enter your favorite derogatory foul adjective) automobile manufacturer, they had a whole heap of brand new (unpainted, called) whitebodies, (even though they were not white), sitting outside waiting to be (creatively and unceramoniously) crushed. I was with my friend and I decided to go ahead and leave a really nice fist dent in the direct center of the hood of a select unit.
I'm a really strong guy (yeah, I know, smell's not everything) and an x-football player. And I whomped that hood hard enough to crush Bruce Lee's skull. It was loud as hell, we were a quarter of a mile from the main plant, and people standing outside the plant over there turned to see what happened. I swear I think I caused a boxer break from that, but just went on with life. I hit that thing dead center in the hood, harder than Ivan Drago can hit ... and it barely left a dent. Yeah, it hurt. I wonder what would happen to my cute little heavy haul tow rig racecar Bluberry's hood, if I did that?
A couple hours later, a backhoe with some dumbass unrelated heavy attachment non-chalantly crushed that hood to the ground, then the roof to the ground, then the trunk to the ground, then side-swiped the door areas and caved them down on top of the roof .. like it weren't no thang. Amazing I says. That whole heap of white bodies got skwarshed like that. What a waste of material.
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