Of course the old man, about 70, maybe older with his MOTHER in TOW (fck, she must be 90+) butts in line just to "ask the man at the counter a question"

The entire waiting line groaned when the DMV person told him various documents would needed to do what he wanted. He proceeds to go to his car, 10 minutes later reappears, and is told he needs MORE stuff. It wasn't sinking in without the papers he could not move ahead. So he leaves but shows up 20 minutes later with the missing paperwork, (he must live around the corner from the DMV.

So he tries to butt in because people were calling him on it, we gave him an inch and he took a mile THEN expects to jump the queue again because his "90 year old mum was getting tired" and he turns to the line and asks us if it's OK for him to queue jump. I was the first to speak up and said "if your mum is lacking a stomach and esophagus and her lungs could collapse at any minute she was welcome to go ahead of me."

The the guy behind me speaks up. "I'm 79 and had 2 heart valves replaced last year. It's a miracle I am alive. If your Mum has had open heart surgery she is welcome to go ahead of me. "

As the 3rd person was starting to speak buddy knew he was going down in flames. He said "I'm sorry to have troubled you, I will book an appointment for another time"

Then him and his mother left. Kudos to the guy for being there for his mum. Wow. Like I said, she must be 90 + . I would really like to know her age. But buddy lost all the goodwill he had trying to queue jump again after he was called on it already.

I realized I have no filters. I will call anyone on anything. You want to BS me? Open wide, I'll feed your bull sh*t right back into your own mouth.