Quote Originally Posted by Fummins View Post
I'll catch up to Scotty one day...
I want to do more Mirage stuff but run out of ideas and time too often.
How bout my idea (that I posted some time ago) about pitting the Mirage heavy haul tow rig, versus the F-150 Lightening as "which one is the better tow rig" idea.

Yeah sure, the Mirage is not a tow rig. But don't say that around my Blueberry, you'd hurt his feelings. And I recently towed up to the hills (near the Tail of the Dragon) with the Blueberry. It was quite pleasant. The (stupid) idea is the put the Lightening at a disadvantage to have to find a place to charge on this not so very far tow, but in an area where chargers are going to be sparse (the hills). And see if the Lightening is a nuisance. And also see how much it costs to run the Lightening compared to the Blueberry.

The Blueberry got something like 33.7 mpg towing my 1,500 pound trailer & murdersickle combo. That amount of gas is pretty cheap. I have a feeling the Lightening might cost more to charge than the gas used in the Mirage. Plus, the amount of time waiting on the friggin Lightening to charge ... the Blueberry might just win!

Fly on down, we'll launch your Scotty Kilmer killer videos, I'll wave my arms around a lot, but I'm no where near as pretty as Kilmer.