Quote Originally Posted by AtomicPunk View Post
Step back from that ledge, Dirk! The 2016 Sentra transmission isn't a CVT7; looks like it's a JFO11E. Also, do we know if above coworker did any drain and fills over those 66,000 miles? If we've learned anything, it's that these fragile transmissions need fluid/filter changes to get any kind of longevity.
It isn't the same as the one we have, but it is still a failed Nissan-sourced CVT. I thought the timing of Fummins' post was striking given the news I heard today about Christian's Sentra. There is already a lawsuit winding it's way through the courts over how much this CVT sucks. Did he service it? Maybe.

I don't think there is anything special about the CVT7 we have in the Mirage. What makes it last longer than the others is the fact that there is only 78 horsepower in front of it pulling only 2,000-ish pounds behind it.