This is a great project and I really admire your creativity. I would love to see a picture of everything folded up and see how much space it occupies in the trunk for storage. And you once again prove that hatchback is king compared to a sedan with trunk.

A "frugal" person could take it one step further and park in the parking lot of a major Hotel chain. Use their free WiFi and even eat a free breakfast. Now...before you start down-voting me or calling it dishonest you may want to consider that 30% or more of the free breakfast gets thrown in the garbage. So you arent really costing the hotel any money.

But you have to be a Good Actor to walk in there and pretend to be a "REAL guest" to obtain the WiFi password and eat the free breakfast. Even utilize their free swimming pool and gym......Okay....maybe that is pushing it too far =) Heh-Heh

But have you guys ever considered a contingency plan for if you ever fell on "hard times" or even a scenario as simple as "Wife throws you out"? What would you do? Where would you go to sleep? Live in a hotel that costs $80 per day? That would get real expensive in a time where you need to CONSERVE your money. It is a life-skill called resourcefulness that I am speaking about. It is a survival skill that if you start thinking about it today and get creative......It could come in real handy in the future. But dont wait until the shet hits the fan. Plan it out in advance and this way you will BE READY.

I live in Florida and we get hit with many hurricanes. I once was without electricity and Internet for over 21 days. I had no contingency plan and suffered greatly. If i had no plan beforehand and scrambled to utilize free Wifi from libraries, Starbucks, Panera and so forth. I had nothing to eat except protein powder, water and bread. It was a miserable experience; dont let it happen to you. Start thinking and develop a PLAN. When you do stay and pay at a hotel make "notes" on the WiFi password and the lay out and that way you can go back and "act" like a paying customer.

Most people in USA, Canada and other wealthy countries are "too civilized". They have grown too dependent on "the System" to sustain them. But what happens when that system breaks down or is temporarily unavailable? Do you have the skills to survive? Roaches and rats have learned how to survive on the breadcrumbs of society's waste. Did you know that you can also do the same? No need to rob or kill people. Did you know that such survival is a learn-able skill? The only catch is that you have to learn and practice it BEFOREHAND.