Thanks to everyone's help on fixing my AC/blower motor! There's another fix I want to get done that is more of an inconvenience than a dire need.

Several months ago, we turned into our garage too tight and hit the right corner (passenger side) of the front hood/bumper on the side of the garage. The only result was some cosmetic damage—and some kind of damage to the windshield fluid reservoir. When we try to add fluid to the reservoir, it just pours right out through the bottom of the car. My mechanic thinks it's cracked.

I'd love to get in there and replace the reservoir, but it looks complicated, like it's "buried" underneath several other components. I'm not sure if it's worth taking the whole engine apart just so we can conveniently clean our windshields.

Has anyone replaced this part before, or does anyone know exactly what would go into replacing it?