Quote Originally Posted by mohammad View Post
Yes, its cheaper(under $10 on rock auto), I was also hoping a regular socket would fit over it for installation(unlike fumoto). But it didnt so i ended up spending $35+ on a set of crow foot wrenches.

Im not super concerned as the valve faces the rear of the car and requires it to be pushed toward the front of the car and twisted to open, A force/motion that unlikely to occur when hitting road debris or what have you. Also it has 4.4/5 stars on Amazon so that gives me some confidence. I did find the sprinkler effect photo you mentioned on an advancedautoparts.com review.

The hose feature is not applicable to me/us as you still need to be using a pan to catch what comes out of the filter. Unless maybe some sort of filter without anti drainback valve is in use and doesnt retain oil in the filter.

At 6:08 in the video, direct link here I test how much oil is retained in the oil pan with the valve installed and the car on the ground. Although the car was probably slightly angled front down as the garage floor should slope toward the drain in the ground and away from the walls. I estimated that it retained 225ml of oil. To fill the pan and filter full i add approximately 3.25 to 3.4L. That means that I am retaining approximately 7% of the oil when changing it without using ramps/jacks and with the valve. Im ok with that.

I thought it opened the opposite way. I would feel better about what you described.

I tend to use two cheap plastic trays (dish tubs or kitty litter trays) when I do oil changes. While one is catching the oil from the valve, the other one is under my filter. I tend to change the filter while it's draining on all my vehicles.

To be honest 7% oil retained in the pan does bother me, because I have to be the most disgusting oil is sitting on the bottom of the pan.

I made homemade ramps out of old "2 x 8" boards that I had sitting around. I cut three boards of different lengths, angled one end of each length, nailed them together, and added a 4" x 4" block on the end of the top board (to prevent driving past the end). I just drive up those when I do oil changes now. I think the angle helps more oil drain out of the Fumoto valve, too. I level the car when I am done, & I top off the new oil to the top dipstick mark.

I didn't explore a lot of options when I bought the Fumoto valve for my Mirage, but there are several options out there -
