I'm a tall person. I breathe towards and see out of the top of my windshield. Very top. You know, the part of the car that doesn't defog.

I keep a squeegee in the car, so if I enter it wet I can swipe the top of the windshield every 5 minutes.

Has anybody without air conditioning mounted a small 12v fan or anything to help the weak airflow? I mean, the car can be swelteringly hot but I always get a couple inches of fog. And if I leave it hot enough to sweat like mad but deal with the windshield, I have to crack a rear window. Which means more moisture gets added, which eventually tips the scale to more fog.

Any advice? Squeegeeing on the highway is fun and all but, you know...

Keep a bag of rice in the car? Any anti fog products from rainx or anything?