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Thread: DIY: Fixing a P0442 code (small evap leak / fuel pump housing crack) for $10

  1. #1
    Administrator Daox's Avatar
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    DIY: Fixing a P0442 code (small evap leak / fuel pump housing crack) for $10

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    Not long ago I noticed my check engine light pop on. Thankfully, I have a scangauge in the car all the time. So, I scanned it and found it was a P0442 code. This code says there is a small evap leak in the fuel system. Next step is obviously do a search on Mirage Forum! I found this thread. So, I take a look and sure enough that was my problem too. No way was I paying $900 for a fuel pump housing, so this is how I did it.

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    First, pop out the rear bench seat. Just pull up roughly in the center of each side. Its held down with a plastic snap connector. They're yellow in the image above. Once they've unsnapped you can pull the seat out.

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    Now, remove this cover. Three phillips screws and its off. Its got a foam gasket under it so it will probably require a bit of prying to get up.

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    Next, remove all of these connections. They're all pretty easy to figure out except the lower left one.

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    On either side of the white plastic there is some hooks to pull back, then the white cap will up straight up.

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    Now, you can pull the white hooks apart and pull the black sensor straight up.

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    Time to get that retaining ring off. Use a big flat bladed screw driver and hammer to start wacking it. Mine is obviously rusty and it took a decent bit of work smacking it all around the circle. Eventually it slowly started to move and loosen up.

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    Pull the retaining ring off, and then you can pull the fuel pump assembly out of the tank. You'll need to tip it as you go so you don't spill a bunch of gas all over stuff.

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    With the fuel pump assembly on a bench, clean it up and find the crack. In my case, the crack went all the way through and it wasn't tiny. I'd say it was at least 1/32" / 1mm in width. You could easily see light through it.

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    Then hit it with some rubbing alchol and a rag, and also a toothbrush to get in the crack as best I could. Then I hit it with 180 grit sand paper and then rubbing alchol to clean it up to prep it for glue.

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    This is the stuff I ended up using to seal up the crack. Its JB Weld Plastic Bonder. It is apparently made to bond to nylon which is what I believe this plastic is. Its very slippery and obviously holds up to gasoline.

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    So, mix some up and slather it on and in the crack. I used my finger to mush it into the crack. I also put some on the back side of the crack in the hopes it would anchor better that way.

    You can let it cure or put it back in and let it cure in place (this might be a better option). I let mine cure the recommended 30 minutes. It was definitely not hard when I put it back in. However, I was running out of light, so in it went.

    I think its been about a week now since I did this. My CEL has stayed off and I just passed emissions. I'm not exactly sure how long it'll last, but there is no way I was paying $900ish for a plastic housing! Good luck to you if you try it out.

    Custom Mirage products: Cruise control kit, Glove box light, MAF sensor housing, Rear sway bar, Upper grill block

    Current project: DIY Nitrous oxide setup for ~$100


        click to view fuel log View my fuel log 2015 Mirage DE 1.2 manual: 47.2 mpg (US) ... 20.1 km/L ... 5.0 L/100 km ... 56.7 mpg (Imp)

  2. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Daox For This Useful Post:

    BigMW (05-27-2023),CROSSBOLT (03-03-2022),Fummins (02-26-2022),Grumpy Bear (01-22-2024),inuvik (02-27-2022),Macmoto (03-04-2022),MetroMPG (03-03-2022),R01k (05-27-2023),Top_Fuel (02-25-2022)

  3. #2
    Thanks for the detailed fix, Tim!

    Keep us posted.


        click to view fuel log View my fuel log 2014 Mirage ES 1.2 manual: 62.9 mpg (US) ... 26.7 km/L ... 3.7 L/100 km ... 75.5 mpg (Imp)

  4. #3
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    Righteous repair!

  5. #4
    Я R01k's Avatar
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    Thanks for the walkthrough! I'm getting ready to check if my problem is the same, as I got this CEL a few days ago. How has your fix held so far?


        click to view fuel log View my fuel log 2014 Mirage ES 1.2 automatic: 37.6 mpg (US) ... 16.0 km/L ... 6.3 L/100 km ... 45.2 mpg (Imp)

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